Artichoke - Green Globe |
Saffron - Crocus Spice |
Sow under cover with warmth provided from late winter to early spring 2-3cm deep 2 seeds per pot. Thin to the strongest seedling. Plant out after all danger of frost has passed, 1m apart, when... |
The gold of Greek land! The best quality saffron in the world! Discrimination and those classifications has, according to surveys, studies, etc., distract the saffron grown in many, small... | more | more |
Freesia Mixed Colours - Large bulbs - Fragrant |
Large Flowering gladiolus bulbs |
Brilliant Freesia are one of the bright flowering perennials, blooming periodically. Grows to 3-6 inches. Perennials are the main stay of every garden. They produce the consistancy... |
Gardeners usually grow gladiolus as a summer flowering bulb in the garden. Prized for its brightly colored flowers, blooms come in nearly any color except blue. While usually grown outdoors, you... | more | more |
Black Tulip Bulbs |
MILK THISTLE Silybum Marianum |
The story begins with a historical event — the 1672 lynching of the Dutch Grand Pensionary (roughly equivalent to a modern Prime Minister) Johan de Witt and his brother Cornelis, by a wild mob of their own... |
The plants typically germinate in the autumn after the first rains and exist as rosettes throughout the first year, forming a stout, fleshy taproot that may extend down 30 cm or more for... | more | more |
Angular Loofah Gourd - Luffa Organic Healthy Vegetable |
Papaver rhoeas Red |
Sow under cover with warmth provided from late winter to early spring 2-3cm deep 2 seeds per pot. Thin to the strongest seedling. Plant out after all danger of frost has passed, 1m apart, when... |
The flowers have two sepals that fall off as the bud opens, and four (or up to six) petals in red, pink, orange, yellow, or lilac. There are many stamens in... | more | more |
Sunflower Helianthus |
Sunflower plants grow well in average to rich soils. They need to grow their roots deep and wide, to enable them to withstand strong winds. If you have a choice... |
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