Flowers / Spring and Summer flowers |
Angular Loofah Gourd - Luffa Organic Healthy Vegetable |
Lantana camara Spanish Flag |
Luffa, are a genus of tropical and subtropical vines classified in the cucumber (Cucurbitaceae) family. In everyday non-technical usage the name, also spelled loofah, usually refers to the... |
Lantana camara is a small perennial shrub which can grow to around 2m in height and forms dense thickets in a variety of environments. Due to extensive selective breeding ... | more | more |
Freesia Mixed Colours - Large bulbs - Fragrant |
Large Flowering gladiolus bulbs |
Brilliant Freesia are one of the bright flowering perennials, blooming periodically. Grows to 3-6 inches. Perennials are the main stay of every garden. They produce the consistancy... |
Gardeners usually grow gladiolus as a summer flowering bulb in the garden. Prized for its brightly colored flowers, blooms come in nearly any color except blue. While usually grown outdoors, you... | more | more |
Black Tulip Bulbs |
Capparis spinosa - Caper - Flinders rose - Herb - Organic |
The story begins with a historical event — the 1672 lynching of the Dutch Grand Pensionary (roughly equivalent to a modern Prime Minister) Johan de Witt and his brother Cornelis, by a wild mob of their own... |
Capparis spinosa, the caper bush, also called Flinders rose, is a perennial winter-deciduous plant that bears rounded, fleshy leaves and large white to pinkish-white flowers. The... | more | more |
Nerium Oleander |
MILK THISTLE Silybum Marianum |
Nerium oleander is an evergreen shrub or small tree in the dogbane family Apocynaceae, toxic in all its parts. It is the only species currently classified in the genus Nerium. It is most commonly... |
The plants typically germinate in the autumn after the first rains and exist as rosettes throughout the first year, forming a stout, fleshy taproot that may extend down 30 cm or more for... | more | more |
Passiflora Caerulea - Passion fruits |
Passiflora, known also as the passion flowers or passion vines, is a genus of about 500 species of flowering plants, the namesakes of the family Passifloraceae. They are mostly vines, with some being... |
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Flowers / Spring and Summer flowers |